Sense & Scale

A site to explore cultures, cities, and computing at varying senses and scales. Updated by Ar Ducao, with content from classes at NYU, MIT, CUNY and more.

Contact: see syllabi

Announcements Agenda Assignment


  • Reminder that today is the last day of Add/Drop. Be sure to review the syllabus carefully, particularly the reading assignments, workload, and grading, to make sure that this class is right for you. Last chance!
    • And reminder that all students are required to co-facilitate 2 reading discussions (each about 30 minutes). See “Assignments” for the signup link.
  • Note on timed exercise grading: your names are hidden as I grade individual questions. I read all your answers together, then assign numeric values to each answer. I only see your names after all the questions are graded.
    • Thanks for such thoughtful timed exercise answers from last week!
  • Thanks so much for your thoughtful discussions with Prof Stinnett!
    • Personal Manifestos: we will return to this exercise later this semester. Thanks to Prof Stinnett!


  • IntroNews Items (25). If you didn’t add a technology-related news item that came to mind during your reading/listening assignment, please add it now. This is a required part of your weekly assignments.
  • Timed Exercise (25) in Brightspace
  • Discussion (30) with a focus on preparing to lead discussions
    • Please sign up to facilitate 2 discussions on the “Discussions” tab of the class spreadsheet.
    • Recap of last week’s discussions: Enron, the banality of evil, bodily autonomy
    • Mapping Beloved, mapping railroads of the time
    • Why are we reading Beloved? (note on Peace Studio)
    • Why is Beloved so popular, particularly in academic settings?
    • What genre is Beloved in? (besides literary)
  • Research Skills
    • “Slaves” vs “enslaved people”
    • Hyperbole
    • Dart Guide to Trauma-Informed Journalism
    • Subtext in narrative: the said, the unsaid, the unsayable
    • Commas inside quote marks


  1. Please sign up to facilitate 2 discussions on the “Discussions” tab of the class spreadsheet.
  2. Read/listen, take notes, and be ready for in-class timed exercises & discussions on: 
    • The remainder of Beloved Part 1 in the audiobook or ePub, up to “she murmured from the far side of the trees.”
      For the audiobook, this includes:
      • Section 5
      • Section 6
      • The first five minutes (00:05:08) of Section 7
  3. What current technology issues come to mind from your reading? Please find a news item about a relevant technology issue, and add its URL to the 9/20 tab in D&T News Items 2023.
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