NYU Diversity&Tech Session 9: Political, Policing, and Prison Tech (Continued); Midterm Work

Announcements: Class & NYU Makerspace use next week A note on participation and e-devices Accessing E-books through NYU Libraries REMINDER: PROPOSALS DUE 3.1.19 | Win up to $10,000 in prize money – 2nd Annual Innovators in Aging Award. For more information about the competition’s criteria and how to enter, visit the competition’s website by clicking here. […]

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NYU Diversity&Tech Session 8: Political, Policing, and Prison Tech

Announcements: Class Two more resources for your Midterm: Choosing Sources for your written work: NYU Guide FWD.us example Salient Social Identity PDF A few External Announcements Agenda From Last Week: Gaydar This week: Politics, Policing, and Prison Tech Amazon Rekognition ACLU Letter Academic Study on Amazon Rekognition, with a related Medium and Quartz post Waze […]

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NYU Diversity&Tech Session 7: Social, Home, and other Lifestyle Technologies

Announcements: Class-Related D&T class slideshows are now available from the “Diversity” menu on this site. Numbering your blog posts (this explanation is now also posted on the Class Blog list): Please don’t number your posts to correspond to class sessions! Please make sure that your earliest class post says “Post #1: [Your Main Idea],” and […]

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D&T Midterm Requirements

Resubmission Update: You are welcome to resubmit your midterm for re-grading. Re-grading will take place as part of final evaluations during the week of May 13. Each new point awarded will add 0.4 points to the midterm project grade. — Due as a blog post on March 11 (I’ll check your blogs on this date)Presentations […]

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D&T Resources

This resource list is non-comprehensive and ever-evolving. Please feel free to share your resources by emailing me arlduc [at] nyu.edu. At NYU General Topics Center for Data Science NLP & Text-As-Data Speaker Series NYU Libraries: Data Services Classes Tandon Makerspace Center for the Humanities Event Calendar Tandon Professional Leadership Academy (For NYU Undergrad Seniors) NYU Leadership […]

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