NYU D&T #13 ??? Microaggressions, Tables/Images

Announcements Tech check Seating check Giveaways Current upcoming class activity dates: 10/21: Remote class with “Human Subjects” training  10/26 or 10/28: Gowanus (infrastructure), weather allowing 11/02: Visit to Bobst 11/9 or 11/11: Borough Hall (politics), weather allowing 11/16: Remote Environmental and Racial Justice conference 11/23: Visit to Dibner 12/02: Remote VPL make-a-thon 12/07 or 12/09: […]

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NYU D&T 2020 Session #21: LGBT+ Inclusion in Tech and Business, Ethically Tracking/Measuring Vulnerable Populations

Announcements If I forget to start recording when a guest speaker begins, please remind me to press “RECORD!” Thanks in advance. The TCS department is asking students to fill out this survey on asynchronous learning options for future semesters: https://nyu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0jmCuZC2cEavqjX Guest speakers from Session 18 (Multi-sensory reading) have sent a few more links from their […]

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NYU Data Vis 2018.13: Final Presentations!

 CSforAll, Group 1: Member Orgs CSforAll, Group 2: Commitments MIT CREATE Multimer / Associated Press BrainPOP  Extra Credit Group Project: NYU Activism 2017 Extra Credit Group Project: Boston Housing Authority 2007.08 (Arlene, demo map) 2008 (Evelyn) 2009 (Evelyn) 2010 (Steven) 2011.01 – 2011.06 (Zhenwen) 2011.07 – 2011.12 (Zhenwen) 2012 (Simin) 2013 (Simin) 2015 (Richelle) 2016_01 (Emilie, with comments) 2016_02 (Emilie, with […]

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NYU Data Vis 2018.12: Final Preparations

Announcements The Extra Credit Post has been corrected with the right ESRI Map link. Spring 2019 Research Assistant Posting:  The Artist Archive Initiative at NYU seeks a graduate student Research Assistant for the Spring of 2019. The student will perform research on the artist Joan Jonas to develop information regarding curating and conserving her work. We are looking for a […]

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NYU Data Vis 2018: Extra Credit

Two Extra Credit Opportunities (will give you up to 5 extra points on your final grade) Successful completion of each opportunity will give you 2.5 extra credit points on your final grade–so completing both will give you almost half a letter grade! Please email me if you start working on either of these. Create a […]

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NYU Data Vis 2018.11: Distinguished Alum, Collaborative Tools

Announcements Story Map: Please request to join this ArcGIS group–we will try to get our Story Map up and running today: https://arcg.is/1ub1CS CARTO: If you haven’t already, sign up for a CARTO NYU account: https://nyu.carto.com/signup Access this map of Boston Housing Authority 2007 data Download this data set. Internship opportunity: The Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO) […]

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NYU Data Vis 2018.10: AMNH, Finishing Collaborative Vis

Announcements If you haven’t already, please accept the invitation called “An invitation to join an ArcGIS Online organization, New York University – Data Services” in your mailbox. This will allow you to work in our class’s collaborative StoryMap today. Internship opportunity: The Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO) is currently accepting project proposals for its internship […]

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NYU Data Vis 2018.07: Data Pitches!

Announcements UPDATED: Community Partners Data Vis 2018 Phase 2 Requirements New class licenses (see your email for the keys) Tableau Class Site Unity Class License Upcoming talk on Oct 30: Turning Big Data into Real Understanding NYU Libraries: Upcoming tutorial classes Agenda Check-Ins Data Pitch: Accountability Project Data Pitch: CSforAll Data Pitch and Data Science: […]

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