If there’s a data source you’d like to use that’s not on this list, just email the data source URL to Prof D for approval.
- NASA star maps (good for backgrounds)
- Sun STEREO satellite and Hyperwall examples
- Earth Blue Marble images (NASA), including topography and bathymetry
- Smithsonian scanned 3D models
- NASA solar system models
- Artec 3D science scans
- NIH 3D Print Exchange
- 3D Printing the Novel Coronavirus (with a link to full COVID molecule data)
- RCSB Protein Data Bank (with links to other PDBs around the world)
- About RCSB PDB
- PDB 101 (the educational portal for PDB), including Coronavirus
- Molecular landscapes by David S. Goodsell (art based on PDB molecular data)
- How animators work with PDB data (interview)
Positional Data
- AMNH Digital Universe (star locations, etc)
- Constellation Vis used in our class tutorial
- USGS Earth Explorer
- New York State elevation and map data
- Earth fire maps (NASA)
- Elevation and Topography maps (USGS)
- NYC MTA Subway Turnstile Data
- NYC Open Data