Sense & Scale

A site to explore cultures, cities, and computing at varying senses and scales. Updated by Ar Ducao, with content from classes at NYU, MIT, CUNY and more.

Contact: see syllabi

Announcements Update to NYC Human Rights law: protections against height and weight discrimination Final assignments (drafts, peer review, presentation), word count, and extra credit have been added (in purple font) to the Final Gradesheet template. For feedback or guidance on your draft, reminder that you can schedule office hours with…


Update to NYC Human Rights law: protections against height and weight discrimination

Final assignments (drafts, peer review, presentation), word count, and extra credit have been added (in purple font) to the Final Gradesheet template.

For feedback or guidance on your draft, reminder that you can schedule office hours with me before/after class, or on Zoom, up until the day before the submission deadline you choose.


  • News
  • Peer Review Check-ins
  • Presentation deck
  • Prof presentation
  • If there’s time: Midterm Live Edit


  • Required: Go through your peers’ comments to revise/update your paper.
  • Required: Add 2+ presentation slides to the final Presentation deck. You don’t have to share a news item any more!
  • Optional: Complete the (final) 12/6 Timed Exercise, due on Friday at 11:59pm.
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