NYU Data Vis 2018: Extra Credit

Two Extra Credit Opportunities (will give you up to 5 extra points on your final grade) Successful completion of each opportunity will give you 2.5 extra credit points on your final grade–so completing both will give you almost half a letter grade! Please email me if you start working on either of these. Create a […]

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NYU Data Vis 2018.11: Distinguished Alum, Collaborative Tools

Announcements Story Map: Please request to join this ArcGIS group–we will try to get our Story Map up and running today: https://arcg.is/1ub1CS CARTO: If you haven’t already, sign up for a CARTO NYU account: https://nyu.carto.com/signup Access this map of Boston Housing Authority 2007 data Download this data set. Internship opportunity: The Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO) […]

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NYU Data Vis 2018.10: AMNH, Finishing Collaborative Vis

Announcements If you haven’t already, please accept the invitation called “An invitation to join an ArcGIS Online organization, New York University – Data Services” in your mailbox. This will allow you to work in our class’s collaborative StoryMap today. Internship opportunity: The Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO) is currently accepting project proposals for its internship […]

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