D&T Due Dates ?️

All checkpoints are now on THURSDAYS until Thanksgiving.

  • 1200 words (total) due September 30. 
  • 2400 words (total) due October 14. 
  • 3000 words (total) due October 21. 
  • 4000 words (20-pages) full draft, due November 4. (Completion check and comments only.)
  • 10% 20-comment Peer Review 1, due November 18. 
    • Do a quick cleanup by Tuesday, 11/23.

After Thanksgiving:

  • 20-comment Peer Review 2, due 12/7.
  • 1 slide in the final presentation deck, due 12/14 at 1:30PM.
  • 20-page research article final draft, due 12/24 at 11AM. Gradesheet is here.
  • Happy Holidaze!