NYU Session 3: Applications of Remote Sensing

Today’s session followed the usual macro/micro format, starting with a guest lecturer to provide big-picture context, and ending with hands-on labs for more in-depth skill development. Our guest lecturer, Lela Prashad, is Chief Data Scientist at NiJeL.org and technical adviser to my MIT thesis project, OpenIR. She specializes in geospatial data analysis, particularly with multi-spectral […]

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NYU Session 1: Orientation

In today’s first session, we got situated with basic housekeeping + intros, some background lecture, and some hands-on exercises. I’m very pleased to see a few different departments represented in this class: ITP of course, CUSP (NYU’s Center for Urban Science and Progress), and Journalism. Students represent a wide range of previous experience, from animation, to computer […]

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