Diversity & Tech #28

Long announcements, short agenda!


News and ideas

Class Announcements

  • Please take a moment to fill out your evaluation for this class. Thanks in advance!
  • Important reminder: for your final articles, I will ONLY check the Google documents I created for this purpose. This minimizes confusion.
  • You are welcome to include pictures in your essay, e.g. the images you’ve included in the final presentation deck, as long as you label and cite them using APA style!
  • Clarification on the Python extra credit opportunity: It can only be used to offset unexcused absences, not for any other purpose.
    • If you want to increase your totals for the final grade, put your time and effort into writing as strong and polished a final article as you can! This means:
      • Making sure every argument in your article is supported by external evidence, clear and correct grammar, a neutral tone, logical flow, and APA formatting
      • Double-checking your article against every “Research Competence” and “Cultural Competence” line item in the Final Gradesheet
      • Asking for additional feedback from me (via Zoom office hours), your peers, and/or the NYU Writing Center. In previous semesters, students have been required to schedule a feedback appointment with the Writing Center, which provides really useful assistance for this kind of assignment. I don’t think it’s too late to book an appointment with them!
      • Finishing your work by December 22, 11:59 PM Eastern


  • Presentations (Using the “Share-out” spreadsheet for presentation order & discussant groups)


  • Finish and polish your article using the Google Doc I created for your final article.
    • I recommend reviewing the Final Gradesheet and Final Policies as you wrap up work for this class.
    • Also don’t forget that you can continue to email me your questions and book Zoom office hours for help.
  • Congratulations on finishing all the in-class course work! Good luck on your finals, and HAPPY HOLIDAZE!!!!!!
