NYU D&T #24?Paper Check-in ? Wheel of Zones ⚙️ Make-a-Thon Prep ?

Announcements Seating check Class evaluation Join Campus Safety for a Town Hall on December 1: Register here for an in-person seat or a spot in the Zoom webinar. You can also submit questions in advance by completing this Google form. Full-time job opportunity (if you’re a senior, you might be able to start as part-time): Digital Strategy and Community […]

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NYU D&T #22 ? The Final Four Countdown ?

Announcements Tech check Seating check Giveaways This week: NYU Trans Awareness Week TED Ed animation: The Immortal Cells of Henrietta Lacks Great work on revising and peer reviewing. I’m proud of you! Any questions on remaining deadlines?  Agenda Peer Review Follow-Up For gaming and metaverse papers: Associated Press report on Immersive Reality. Useful diagrams on page 5 and […]

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NYU D&T #18 ☑️ Checkpoint & Ethical Data Wrap-Up ✅

Announcements Tech check Seating check Giveaways are on break again… will definitely return later in November. Want to hear more about Sylvia Sylvia? Check out tonight’s webinar. Agenda Wrap-up: A deeper dive on histories in Ethical Data Collection.  Useful links from NYU Data Services: NYU Data Sources ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research) The next 3 sessions will be remote. See D&T […]

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