NYU D&T #18 ☑️ Checkpoint & Ethical Data Wrap-Up ✅


  • Tech check
  • Seating check
  • Giveaways are on break again… will definitely return later in November.
  • Want to hear more about Sylvia Sylvia? Check out tonight’s webinar.


  • Wrap-up: A deeper dive on histories in Ethical Data Collection. 
  • Useful links from NYU Data Services:
    • ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research)
  • The next 3 sessions will be remote. See D&T Calendar for details.
  • Paper patterns (under construction), and Prof D template demo
    • How are Results different from Discussion?
    • What to put in the Discussion section?
    • Citing website and interviews. 
    • Next week: peer review. Do you want to be paired in time for the weekend?
  • Review of citation style using APA Format (see links on Project Resources page).


Take a break when you hit that Checkpoint! ✅

  • If you haven’t already, please read APA 7, Chapter 5: “Bias-Free Language Guidelines.” Please digest (re-read and re-read) the sections that apply to the protected identities you’re writing about.

If you still need to finish: 4000-word draft due TODAY

Be sure to:

  • Add the Table of Contents 
  • Add page numbers
  • Remove your comments and annotations from the Works Cited section. I am no longer reading this section as part of your paper, so either bring your annotations into the paper or remove them.
  • Make sure everything in Works Cited is cited in your paper.
    • I expect that you will continue to add works to your Works Cited list to support your assertions.
  • Font: 12-pt Times New Roman, double-spaced
  • If you still have outlines or lists in your text, turn everything into a sentence or paragraph.