NYU D&T #20 ??‍?‍?? More Peer Review Sessions ?



Peer Review Sessions: reminders

Today your REAL paper will continue to emerge!

  • Please type in chat if you have to leave right at 3:50, so I won’t time your group to go last.
  • Peer review in your groups: When you’re reviewing your peer’s paper, please edit in SUGGESTION MODE or leave comments.

Peer Review Tips: Cultural Competencies 

  • Review the Cultural Competencies part of the Project Checklist.
  • Read your peer’s entire paper.
  • Review the Cultural Competencies checklist again.
  • Start commenting/editing in your peer’s paper.
    • You can start with shorthand, e.g. “cite evidence,” “hyperbolic,” etc.
    • Later, be sure to flesh out out major comments.
  • IMPORTANT: Once everyone in your group is finished with their review/edits/comments and has emailed the DOCX files to me, please start working to addressing the comments in your paper.


  • Review/edit/comment on your peer’s paper. Twenty substantive comments are due next week. Use the Project Checklist to guide your review.
  • IMPORTANT: When you finish your review/comments/edit, please DOWNLOAD the paper as a DOCX and email it to me so I can see your full review before your group member starts their next revisions.
  • IMPORTANT: Once everyone in your group is finished with their review/edits/comments and has emailed the DOCX files to me, please start working to addressing the comments in your paper.