Email Prof for password
- Feb 4: Email Prof for link
- Feb 11
- Feb 18
- Feb 25
- March 4 (with a 2nd recording from after-class office hours)
- March 11. Note that the recording goes silent at about 01:20:00 since we go into 1-on-1 sessions at the time.
- We also did a fast Terrain Tutorial during after-class office hours
- March 18
- March 25
- April 8 (full class, sorry I forgot to break this in two)
- Part 1: Intro to Unity. Intro to Physics Playground/Sandbox. Quick molecules tutorial
- Part 2: Discussion of the book Semiology of Graphics
- April 15
- April 22
- April 29
- Part 1: Proj4 presentations, Prof 5 Brief, Maya rigs, deformers, character generator
- Part 2: More on Maya rigs, deformers, character generator
- Office Hours: Discussion on Audre Lorde’s Sister Outsider. Ask Prof for link.
- May 6