Making and Manufacturing as Socio-cultural Practice: Book list

Making and Makers To Forgive Design: Understanding Failure by Henry Petroski Invention by Design; How Engineers Get from Thought to Thing by Henry Petroski Makers: The New Industrial Revolution by Chris Anderson The Maker Movement Manifesto: Rules for Innovation in the New World of Crafters, Hackers, and Tinkerers by Mark Hatch Invent To Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in […]

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Course Description: Making & Manufacturing as Sociocultural Practice

(Formerly known as Made in the Machine: Cultural Practices, Sociopolitical Analyses, and Techniques in Digital Fabrication, Making, and Manufacturing) DM-GY 9103 G1/28/2021 – 5/10/20212:00 PM – 4:50 PM Eastern Online Loc: Online  Recent innovations in digital fabrication have made its technologies much more cheap, sophisticated, and accessible for people of many experiences. In this class, we will explore some […]

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“Made in the Machine” Session 11: Phase 3, the digitization of traditional practices

Announcements Final schedule Some Digital/Computational Approaches to Cultural Preservation: Culturally Situated Design Tools (old but comprehensive link) CSDT for HS students Audrey Bennett & Ron Eglash (and my intro to their talk here) Aga Khan Award for Architecture METI school of Rudrapur Agenda 3:40-4:30: Check-ins 4:40-6:00 Digitization of Traditional Practices Assignment Final presentations next week! […]

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“Made in the Machine” Session 10: Phase 3, last bits of Phase 2

Announcements April 28: FINAL PRESENTATIONS May 5: Field Trip to Kammetal, Tesla, Pioneer Works @ 3pm May 13: All resubmissions due Sarah: Precious Plastic Alexis: Inside 3D Printing NPR: DIY Dental  Sourcemap Sourcemap Survey Results Fashion’s Impact: THE FUTURE Supply Chain 101 Agenda 3:30-3:40 Announcements 3:40-4:00 Rewant 4:00-4:20 Tianyu 4:20-4:50 Check-Ins 4:50-5:00 BREAK 5:00-5:30 More […]

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“Made in the Machine” Session 9: Phase 2 Presentations

Announcements Today’s presentation order SITU seeks interns Materials for Phase 3 Phase 2 Grades next week Agenda 3:30-3:45 Announcements 3:45-4:05 Ansh 4:05-4:25 Spencer 4:25-4:45 Sarah 5:00-5:10 BREAK 5:10-5:30 Alexis 5:30-5:50 Anna 5:50-6:10 Francesca 5:55-6:20 Reflections on last week Reflections going forward Schedule for Phase 3 Assignment We are now entering the final Phase! Please write […]

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“Made in the Machine” Session 8: BK Navy Yard, article check-ins

Announcements how-textiles-repeatedly-revolutionised-human-technology Autodesk Fusion 360 CAM/3d printing Visit to Kammetal? Acronyms Agenda 3:30-5:00 Brooklyn Navy Yard tour! 5:00-5:10 BREAK 5:10-6:20 Check-ins Assignments Prepare your final article based on the criteria from Session 6. Make sure that it reads smoothly in semi-formal, conversational English, and that it has no grammatical errors. Get a friend to proofread […]

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“Made in the Machine” Session 7: More on Shenzhen, Circuit Stickers, bunnie re-cap, writing discussion

Announcements how-textiles-repeatedly-revolutionised-human-technology Autodesk Fusion 360 CAM/3d printing Visit to Kammetal? Acronyms Agenda 3:40-4:30 Check-ins 4:30-4:50 bunnie Huang recap 4:50-5:00 BREAK 5:00-6:00 Jie Qi, MIT 6:00-6:20 Prep for next week. BK navy yard, article discussions, second phase presentation on April 7. Assignments Choose one of the following: Based on the discussion today, refine and add to […]

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