Month: November 2020
Announcements: Class Please remind me to press “RECORD” if needed. Let me know if you’d like your account access to be extended (it will expire tomorrow). Your Konch transcription will count as a small part of your blog post grade. Final Project Brief: We won’t have much time to discuss…
Announcements: Class Please remind me to press “RECORD” if needed. Any questions about the Factbook Data exercise? Please speak up or type in chat. Please register now. Is anyone having any issues with registering? If so, please type into chat. Agenda NYU Soul of Reason, Part 1: Steven G. Fullwood Konch tech…
Quick access: Links to the Written Essay grade sheet, the Flowchart grade sheet, and the Data Visualization grade sheet. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– For the Final Project, please choose one of the options in the Prepare section below, and one of the options in the Present section as well. You must make a choice from BOTH sections for…
Announcements: Class Please remind me to press “RECORD” if needed. Please type in the chat: Have you ever visualized a dataset? If so, what tools and software have you used? Midterm re-submission policy Thursday 11/19: Archiving with Konch transcription software. You will receive an email from NYU Libraries / Konch; please…
Announcements: Class 2pm: The first hour of today’s class will take place at the National Black Writer’s Conference. If you’ve registered, you should have received a link. If you haven’t registered, you can check out Kanopy instead; see directions in the Agenda below. 3pm: We will meet back in our…
Announcements: Class Please remind me to press “RECORD” if needed. Extra credit: learn more about redlining, see link in the extra credit section. Thursday 11/12: I will present during class at the National Black Writer’s Conference. If you want the option to check it out, please register now: Select “CUNY student.”…
Announcements: Class Please remind me to press “RECORD” if needed. Please type in the chat: games that interest you right now. For those interested in cybersecurity: a CSAW panel on “Strengthening Diversity & Representation in Cybersecurity” immediately follows today’s class. Looking ahead to Thanksgiving (NYU Provost) NYU Free Flu Shots Last…
Announcements: Class Intro Jamboard: PLEASE add your thoughts! Please remind me to press “RECORD” if needed. Midterm evaluation so far Phase 2 Suggestions Soul of Reason: Episodes that interest you? Agenda U.S. Election Tech 2020: A Systems Approach, a voter/volunteer-eye view on election tech, cybersecurity, algorithmic bias Your Turn: Jamboard on Election…