NYU D&T 17 ? Citizen Media in Kenya ?? + More Accessibility and Public Space ?

Announcements: Class Please remind me to press “RECORD” if needed. NYU Accommodations for Student Participation in Election Activities  Phase 2 Suggestions Suggestions for Tuesday’s non-partisan discussion on election tech, algorithm issues, and (cyber)security Soul of Reason: Episodes that interest you? Agenda (may be re-ordered to work with guest speaker’s schedule) Guest Speaker: Joshua Ogure, Kibera News Network. […]

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NYU D&T 16 ? Prison/Policing/Justice Tech ? Universal Design + Space ?

Announcements: Class Please remind me to press “RECORD” if needed. NYU Accommodations for Student Participation in Election Activities  Phase 2 Suggestions Note on NYU events and extra credit opportunities CMD-IT Graduate School Fair Spring Course: Making & Manufacturing as Sociocultural Practice Agenda (may be re-ordered to work with guest speaker’s schedule) Guest Speaker: Julie Ciccolini, NACDL […]

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NYU D&T 15 ? Diversity@Tandon ? ?️ ?, Midterm Leftovers ?

Announcements: Class Please remind me to press “RECORD” if needed. NYU Accommodations for Student Participation in Election Activities Phase 2 Suggestions Agenda (may be re-ordered to work with guest speaker’s schedule) Guest Speaker: Rose Ampuero, Tandon Assistant Dean of Student Affairs focused on diversity and social justice Strategic Plan for Inclusion, Diversity, Belonging, and Equity Midterm […]

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NYU D&T 14: ?? Midterm Projects ??

Announcements: Class Please add your name here if you plan to present today. Reminder: For your midterm, are you using G-Suite (Google Drive, Docs, Slides, etc.) NYU Stream, Vimeo, or another service that’s external to your blog? CHECK NOW that you have granted me access permission. I reserve the right to deduct a small amount from your […]

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NYU D&T 13: Midterm 1-on-1s ✅

Announcements: Class Please remind me to press “RECORD” if needed. I will stop recording when we start 1-on-1s. Thanks. NYU Opportunity for underrepresented students: Pipelines in Quantitative Aging Research Summer Program NYU Accommodations for Student Participation in Election Activities Next week: Midterm feedback (for the class) Agenda Midterm Open Work Session.  Please add your name here if you […]

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NYU D&T Session 12: Social Tech APIs ? More Midterm Prep ?

Announcements: Class Please remind me to press “RECORD” if needed. Thanks. NEW: In Midterm Project Brief: Essay template, Gradesheet rubric In Menu: Course Books & Citation Tips Agenda Resource of the day, Medical Bias Clips Student Blog Spot Talk (chosen at random) Further discussion: Midterm Project Brief Social Media API demo Last bit of Public Tech (if there’s time) […]

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NYU D&T Session 11: Public Tech ?️? Internalized Oppression ⛓️? Midterm Prep ?

Announcements: Class Please remind me to press “RECORD” if needed. Thanks. Agenda Resource of the day, Medical Bias Clips Student Blog Spot Talk (chosen at random) Key Concept: Internalized Oppression Quick exercise: type “internalized” into a search engine. If there’s autofill, what words are filled in? Helpful slideshow: The Color of Fear: the Paradox of Race and Oppression […]

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NYU D&T Session 10: Public Tech ???

Announcements: Class Please remind me to press “RECORD” if needed. Thanks. NEW in Menu: Midterm Project Brief Agenda Resource of the day, Medical Bias Clips Student Blog Spot Talk (chosen at random) Medical Tech: Last Bits Democracy Now!: Whistleblower Nurse in ICE Jail Letter sent to Congress Private prison: LaSalle Corrections Whistleblowers: Whistleblowers.gov. Also Ch.7, Medical Apartheid, last section Dr. […]

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D&T Midterm Project Brief: Service Analysis ???‍?‍????

Resubmission Update (Posted November 16): You are welcome to resubmit your midterm for re-grading. Re-grading will take place as part of final evaluations in December. Each new point awarded will add 0.4 points to the midterm project grade. Due as a blog post on October 20. Presentations/Recordings on October 20, with 10/22 as a backup date. Please come […]

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