Sense & Scale

A site to explore cultures, cities, and computing at varying senses and scales. Updated by Ar Ducao, with content from classes at NYU, MIT, CUNY and more.

Contact: see syllabi

Confirmed Partners Accountability Project (contact: Ryan Schlief) Data: Since we have a mix of data, including community generated and scraped ‘public’ data, the project could involve 1) pulling together our community generated data (via survey monkey) in 5 countries to discover commonalities and differences in how communities experience development projects. (Ex…

Confirmed Partners

  • Accountability Project (contact: Ryan Schlief)
    Since we have a mix of data, including community generated and scraped ‘public’ data, the project could involve 1) pulling together our community generated data (via survey monkey) in 5 countries to discover commonalities and differences in how communities experience development projects. (Ex For the scraped ‘public’ data we are interested 2) to better answer particular questions about the trends in development by geography, sector and development bank. We could build on existing data visualizations if helpful. (Ex: As you can see, we have in house experience of data visualization – but we are quite novice. There are openings for more creative, involved visualizations.
  • BrainPop (contact: Kevin Miklasz)
    This crowdfunding website connects teachers to donors to find funding for classroom supplies. There are two interesting parts of the data set to me- the project success and the project descriptions. I’d be interested in two general questions- first, does this data show any pattern in what kind of projects are most successful over time, and any variation in those patterns over time? (which edtech projects from which companies, digital vs. physical, which pricepoints, which kind of descriptions?) Second, what about the freeform text description has made certain projects more successful than others? (certain keywords, description length, time of year, etc.) This dataset is one of the few publicly available datasets that allow comparison of different EdTech products success, and at that from a teacher’s perspective.
  • Boston Housing Authority (Contact: Jonathan Tarleton)
    Data is here (available to class members only). 
    Boston Housing Authority administers 13,000+ housing choice vouchers, which provide a subsidy for low-income families to rent on the private market. We have addresses for our voucher holders quarterly over time dating back to 2007. We’d like to visualize this information to show the movement of voucher holders around the Boston Region in relation to housing market changes.
  • CSforAll (Contact: Leigh Ann DeLyser)
    Data: Some of it is visible at
    CSforALL is a nation 501c3 focused on bringing computer science education to all schools in the US. We would use this project not only to show our data, but also as an example of what data science is for teachers to share with students. CSforALL has two related data sets we would like to see visualized. First, our membership database ( Our member list contains additional information about each member (beyond what is visible on the web) and we would like a better way to represent the members in a visualization (other than just a list). Similarly, we run a national summit every year (, and this year have collected over 200 commitments from over 250 organizations. The commitment database also could use an interesting visualization.
  • Locative Media as Participatory Archives of Civic Engagement  (Contact: Marina Hassapopoulou)
    Data is here
    This project is an EDIT (Equity Diversity & Inclusion in Teaching Media) featured teaching project. The multimedia nature of the submitted/archived data makes this a challenging project to visualize interactively. Read more here.
  • MIT CREATE (Contact: Kate Mytty)
    Data (a day in the life of a street vendor in Durban): contact Kate Mytty. MIT CREATE is a team of researchers and practitioners working to imagine the future of urban exchange by: understanding how these ‘productive urban spaces’ contribute to the overall urban economy; developing new the methodologies and related tools that can be used to capture complexities of informal spatial practices tied to urban exchange; and gathering data to build urban intelligence, and work with communities to develop real, collaborative design and policy solutions.

Unconfirmed Partners

  • PeaceTech Lab (Contact: Althea Middleton-Detzner)
    PeaceTech Lab has developed a lexicon of online hate speech for South Sudan, Nigeria, and Kenya and are looking for new ways to represent the hate speech data for these lexicons, as well as our ongoing social media monitoring reports, in which we connect online hate speech with offline violence in these contexts. Since we are applying media, tech, and data to peacebuilding programs, we often find ourselves with an immense amount of data that we would like to visualize and represent to our wide audience(s), but could use some support in doing so.
  • Kawsay (contact: Mario Gampieri)
    Kawsay is a for-profit social enterprise working to provide relevant information and analysis to organizations working to provide basic services to underserved populations. Currently we are working with a range of organizations in Lima, Peru, where millions of people live in informal communities in the periphery of the city.
  • Loisaida Seedbed (Contact: Alejandro Epifanio)
    Data (equipment inventory and understanding potential usage): Contact Alejandro Epifanio.
    Loisaida began as a grassroots movement in the Lower East Side (LES) led by Puerto Rican activists and Hispanic residents in the mid 1970’s. More on the data: We would like to visualize how a list of various equipment sorted out into different rooms can help us organize a potential time and use limit per specific room and equipment during facility operational hours. Basically we have close to 70-100 digital and analog technology items that have to be assigned into designated rooms to create a visual inventory of time available per each item.
  • HLW (Contact: Peter Bacevice)
    Data: NYC-Local Law 84 and NYC OASIS database from DOITT.
    HLW is a full service architecture, interiors, strategy, lighting, planning, and sustainability firm.


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