D&T Reading, Watching, Listening

This list will be updated weekly. Categories are loose groupings; some works fit in multiple categories. Please also consult the syllabus for further resources.


Class Books

Main books folder with Beloved (Morrison), work by James Baldwin, and the books Sister Outsider (Lorde), Dawn (Butler), The Left Hand of Darkness (Le Guin), and additional reading.

BONUS! Some videos about the authors of the class books:

Diversity Overviews


First & Second Industrial Revolutions


Bodily Autonomy

  • Beloved and Dawn (see class books folder)
  • UN pamphlets on bodily autonomy & integrity and bodily autonomy
  • Medical Apartheid by Harriet A. Washington, available in ePub and audio Note that this book was written in 2006; much of its information is (sadly) still correct; but some of its terminology is no longer in keeping with the MLA and APA guidelines on inclusive language.
  • Contested Relations, a book on the origins of gynecology (see “Additional Reading” in the Class Books folder)
  • Materials related to guest speaker, NYU alum and SAG-AFTRA organizer Melanie Ehrlich:
  • The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power, by Shoshanna Zuboff (Hachette, 2019). Also available in audio.
  • Related to CRISPR: a resource page on issues of informed consent and “human subjects” in research and medical experiments, particularly as it pertains to racism in the United States. If you plan to use Dawn for your final paper, and/or if you want to learn more about how informed consent is practiced in research studies, consider using resources from this page.


Third & Fourth Industrial Revolutions




Language, Search, Algorithms


Gender & Sexuality




Socioeconomic Status
