Sense & Scale

A site to explore cultures, cities, and computing at varying senses and scales. Updated by Ar Ducao, with content from classes at NYU, MIT, CUNY and more.

Contact: see syllabi

Month: February 2016

  • Announcements Opportunities and Events 3D print expo, April 10-12 HWTrek Asia Tour bunnie Huang: March 24, 12 PM Webinar on FDM and Polyjet, March 10 at 1 PM VirtualBox (to run Solidworks, VCarve, etc) Request from Shuyang Zhou of Seeed Studio for next week: what are your questions? Agenda 3:30-3:40:…

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  • Agenda 2:30: Optional stop at LightsUp. 148 39th Street, 2nd Floor, Brooklyn. 3:30: Makerbot. 147 41st Street, 3rd floor. 4:30: Eyebeam to discuss your March 3 presentations. 34 35th St., 5th floor, Brooklyn. Class will probably end before 6. I will send an e-mail with my contact info in case…

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  • Announcements Opportunities and Events Teen coding classes at BPL Apply for the Dream Yard Maker Institute (related article in the New Yorker) New Media Consortium: Learners as Creators Updates CPE and other materials “Craft Room Machines” post updated with additional 3D printer resources (scroll to bottom) CAM and G-Code tutorial…

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  • G-code is the most common language used by fabrication machines including 3D printers, CNC routers, and laser cutters. One way to familiarize your self with G-Code is through the open source software packages used for RepRap: Repetier Host and Printrun (pronterface). I’m currently using Repetier Host, which seems to have…

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  • Announcements New students New York Arts Practicum Agenda 3:30-3:40 Announcements 3:40-4:50 Progress updates (from blogs) 4:40-5:00 Break 5:00-6:00 Partner Exercise: Concept to Reality 6:00-6:20 Discuss upcoming assignments Assignments for Feb 18 Read this chapter on bio-printing from Hod Lipson’s book Fabricated. It should give you context for next week’s guest…

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  • I ordered a 3D printer kit about two months ago. It’s been quite a journey! Main steps (will flesh this out soon) Back and forth with Assembling the mechanical body. See annotated assembly guide. Hooking up the main board. Extending some of the wires by soldering additional length. Fixing…

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