Confirmed Partners
- Be More America.
Topics: Healthcare and health equity
Contact: Anurag Gupta, anurag [at] bemoreamerica [dot] org - NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights.
Topics: Trafficking and migration of construction workers.
Contact: April Gu & David Segall - Brown Dwarf NYC.
Topic: Astrophysics data, particularly on brown dwarfs
Contact: Sara Camnasio - Pawa Initiative, Kenya.
Topic: water/sanitation in Nairobi slums
Contact: Sasha Kinney (email upon request) - Institute for Study of the Ancient World.
Topic: analyzing ISAW journal texts
Contact: sebastian.heath [at] - Global Action Project.
Topic: visualizing information on media and youth organizing.
Topic 2: visualizing information from GAP’s video library.
Contact: Karina Hurtado-Ocampo, karina [at] global-action [dot] org -
Topic: Jersey City bike and crime data
Contact: Eric Schoffstall (email upon request) - MindRider/Multimer.
Topic: large-scale biosensor data in the urban geography
Contact: Arlene Ducao - New York Hall of Science “Data in the Midst” project.
Topic: Understanding types of makers at Maker Faire
Contact: Catherine Cramer, ccramer [at]
Potential (Unconfirmed) Partners
- I See Change.
Potential Topic: Harlem Heat Project
Contact Arlene for more information - NYU ASD Nest.
Potential Topic: ASD (autism spectrum disorder) students in the NYC public school system
Contact Aaron Lanau,