Sense & Scale

A site to explore cultures, cities, and computing at varying senses and scales. Updated by Ar Ducao, with content from classes at NYU, MIT, CUNY and more.

Contact: see syllabi

Final Deadlines Updated Policy on Unexcused Absences (UA) Additional notes:

Final Deadlines

  • 12/18 @ 11:59pm: Final Article Deadline to receive grade by 12/24
    • If you submit on 12/18, you can also request comments, which I’ll send by 1/2
  • 12/22 @ 11:59pm: Final Article Deadline to receive grade by 1/2

Updated Policy on Unexcused Absences (UA)

  • 0 UA: Your final grade will be increased by 5 points.
  • 1 UA: Amnesty! A single unexcused absence will be dropped from your grade.
  • 2 UA: You can make up for a single unexcused absence by completing all Timed Exercises for homework after sessions #23-26. In each of the homework Timed Exercises, you must indicate whether you want it to count as extra credit — I don’t plan to write feedback on Extra Credit exercises.
  • 3 UA: You can make up for a single unexcused absence by completing a probabilistic analysis of gender and race in your final article’s bibliography. Please see this post for more information.

Additional notes:

  • There have been several unexcused absences since the midterm date of October 23. If you’re not sure if you have any unexcused absences, ask me.
  • Final presentations will be on December 11 and 13. These sessions are reserved for short (5 minute) final presentations. Missing your final presentation will affect your final grade, so do your best not to miss class on these dates.
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