D&T Class Blogs Spring 2020

In Alphabetical Order by First Name

  1. Andreas Mavroskotis
  2. Anna Foo
  3. Barry Tessler
  4. Brandon Diaz
  5. Chino Guerrero
  6. Derick Singh
  7. Halenur Komsul
  8. Harry Chen
  9. Helen Velez
  10. Henry Cowherd
  11. Hofai Tang
  12. Ian Kim
  13. Idriss Dimson
  14. Jade Duval
  15. Jennifer Yakubek
  16. Jenny Kam
  17. Joey Chung
  18. Kimberly Pencil
  19. Landon Johnson
  20. Luiza Menezes
  21. Maggie O’Brien
  22. Mahek Laul
  23. Masthora Begum
  24. Nicola Ramdass
  25. Nicolai Cardinale
  26. Rafael de Leon
  27. Shehara Ranasinghe
  28. Weixiong Zhu

A note on numbering your blog posts: Please don’t number your posts to correspond to class sessions! Please make sure that your earliest class post says “Post #1: [Your Main Idea],” and that all subsequent posts are numbered consecutively until Midterm Week. By then, the list of your posts should look something like

  • Midterm
  • Post #10
  • Post #9
  • … [Post #8… going backwards to Post #2]
  • Post #1

If you have any extra credit posts, don’t number them; instead, please label the post as “Extra Credit.” If your extra credit post is meant to make up for missed class, please note that somewhere in the post.