Sense & Scale

A site to explore cultures, cities, and computing at varying senses and scales. Updated by Ar Ducao, with content from classes at NYU, MIT, CUNY and more.

Contact: see syllabi

Quick access: Links to the Written Essay grade sheet, the Flowchart grade sheet, and the Data Visualization grade sheet. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– For the Final Project, please choose one of the options in the Prepare section below, and one of the options in the Present section as well. You must make a choice from BOTH sections for…

Quick access: Links to the Written Essay grade sheet, the Flowchart grade sheet, and the Data Visualization grade sheet.


For the Final Project, please choose one of the options in the Prepare section below, and one of the options in the Present section as well. You must make a choice from BOTH sections for full credit! 

Deadline to post your project materials to your blog: December 10
Deadline to post your project video (if you don’t present live): December 10
Deadline to finish and post all your final materials: December 16 at 12PM EST


Please prepare one of the following options.

  1. [GRADE SHEET HERESolution Flowchart + Annotated Bibliography (1200+ words, 4+ sources). Do you want to expand on your midterm service analysis and propose solutions? If so, this could be a good option for you. Requirements:
    • Flowchart with least 15 nodes. Please show the flow of information within your technology (e.g. a software diagram) and/or between users (e.g. a stakeholder diagram). If you show information flow between a mix of tech components and stakeholders, use symbols, shapes, icons, and/or colors to differentiate between the two. You can review my sample flowchart and preparation document.
    • If you’re not proposing a “technical” solution, Please be able to explain the Who/What/When/Where/Why to justify your flowchart as representing a solution. Use the annotated bibliography and presentation to add detail to this explanation. 
    • Annotated Bibliography  (1200+ words with at least 4 sources). An annotated bibliography contains 1-3 short paragraphs for each source. Refer to this document for a sample Annotated Bibliography. Please use at least 
      • 1 source from the class book list 
      • 2 sources from scholarly journals (refer to the class Books and Links post for links to scholarly databases)
      • 1 source of your choosing.
  2. [GRADE SHEET HERE] Research/Reflection Paper (1700+ words) + 3 images + Bibliography (7+ sources). Do you want to reflect and research on what’s been happening in D&T class and beyond? If so, consider this option. Requirements:
    • Paper: Please choose a D&T guest speaker or other relevant D&T topic, research and discuss the speaker/topic at more depth, and reflect on how the speaker/topic ties to your own interests and goals. While I encourage you to express your opinions and reflections, this paper should be a researched, scholarly paper that cites external, credible sources.
      • If you want to send a guest speaker questions, see this doc for their contact info.
      • If you’re not choosing a guest speaker or class discussion topic, please email me your paper topic for approval. 
    • 3 Images: Please include at least 3 images, with caption descriptions and source credits (citations), that represents
      1. technology(s) being discussed
      2. social identity(s) being discussed
      3. your conclusion(s)
    • Citations: In your paper, please include in-text citations to the works in your Bibliography. Refer to the NYU Citation Style Guide to learn more about in-text citations.
    • Bibliography: Please use at least 
      • 1 source from the class book list
      • 4 sources from scholarly journals (refer to the class Books and Links post for links to scholarly databases)
      • 2 sources of your choosing
  3. [GRADE SHEET HEREData Visualization + Annotated Bibliography (1000+ words, 4+ sources). Do you want to dig into D&T data? Consider this option. Requirements:
    • Visualization with least 3 modes. You can create either 3 static (non-interactive) graphs/charts, or 1 interactive visualization with at least 3 modes of interactivity (please ask me if you have any questions about this).
    • Annotated Bibliography  (1000+ words with at least 4 sources. An annotated bibliography contains 1-3 short paragraphs for each source. Refer to this document for a sample Annotated Bibliography. Please use at least 
      • 1 source from the class book list 
      • 2 sources from scholarly journals (refer to the class Books and Links post for links to scholarly databases)
      • 1 source of your choosing.
  4. Other creative technology based on D&T class content. Do you have another idea? (For instance, in the spring this class had a story artifact option for the final, but we unfortunately won’t have time to do a story workshop this semester.) Please talk with me before or after class to discuss. This option requires instructor approval.


Please either present your work live and/or make a video:

  1. Live option: Please give a 3-minute presentation via Zoom on December 10. You’ll need to be able to share your screen for the final presentation. This session will not be recorded.
  2. Pre-recorded option: Please create a 3+ minute video recording of your final presentation and post a link to the recording on your blog. 
    • If you’re doing the Flowchart + Annotated Bibliography project, video-record your screen as you talk us through your flowchart. Please zoom in and move around in your flowchart so that it’s readable in the video.
    • If you’re writing a paper, video-record your screen as you talk us through your visuals.
    • Please include a webcam stream (of yourself) or image of yourself to give the video a level of accountability. Some options for recording your webcam + screen:
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