Ideation and Prototyping Session 14: Final Presentations.

Announcements Reminder of Final Presentation Requirements: Your presence in class. 10 minutes of presentation. Start with your final object and story (~5 min) Walk us through the ideation, iteration, and prototyping process of the past several weeks (~5 min) A slideshow (e.g. powerpoint, keynote, google slides) is recommended. 5 minutes discussion with guest critics and […]

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Ideation and Prototyping Session 13: Last check-ins, Storytelling.

Announcements Final Presentation Requirements: Your presence in class. 10 minutes of presentation. Start with your final object and story (~5 min) Walk us through the ideation, iteration, and prototyping process of the past several weeks (~5 min) A slideshow (e.g. powerpoint, keynote, google slides) is recommended. 5 minutes discussion with guest critics and class. I’ll […]

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Ideation and Prototyping Session 12: Prototyping->Persona->Storytelling.

Announcements Tribeca Immersive Arcade More CAD software: Final Project requirements are now updated. Note the Bibliography (non-annotated) requirement. Final Deliverables are now updated. You must be present and on-time at the final class on May 4. Final Deliverables are due on your website and Google drive on May 6 @ 10AM. Extra credit (10 […]

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Ideation and Prototyping Session 11: Makerspace and Makers.

Announcements Note: sketches are important, but if you plan to make a physical object(s), be sure to start prototyping physical objects. Final Project requirements are now updated. Note the Bibliography (non-annotated) requirement. Final Deliverables are now updated. You must be present and on-time at the final class on May 4. Final Deliverables are due on your […]

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Ideation and Prototyping Session 10: Lo-Fi, VR CAD, Basic Electronics.

Announcements Final Requirements Thing Message Process  Challenges/grants Nike Circular Design Challenge NYU Makerspace $50 Mini-grant (use NYU ID to see form) Spaces NYU Makerspace blog MAGNET Fabspace NYU Leslie Lab prototyping room NYU La Guardia Studio Books: The Three-Body Problem, The Left Hand of Darkness 1st Half Submissions Agenda Updates: your timelines, plans, & tests […]

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Ideation and Prototyping Session 9: Intro to Prototyping

Announcements Midterm grades MAGNET fabspace: Today Tandon Makerspace: April 12 Prototyping in VR? Agenda Prototyping Overview Review: Remember all the tools you already have: moodboard, storyboards, sketching, photo documentation, “brainwriting” with post-its (good for collaboration), animatics, etc. Prototyping: works like / feels like / looks like MIT lecture Prototyping module. cardboard, clay, paper, legos. Techniques: Instructables […]

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NYU Ideation and Prototyping Sesssion 08: Midterm Presentations

Announcements Now Available: Midterm Grade Sheet Reminder: Submit Self-Assessment Agenda 11:05-11:15 Part 1 Introduction: David Briggs 11:15-11:30 Hayao Miyazaki by Christine Choe, Sean Choi, & Joris Kwong 11:30-11:45 Frida Kahlo by Nic Parada & Zhi Jia Peh 11:45-12:00 Martin Luther King, Jr. by Ray Lim & Nathan Smith 12:00-12:15 Steve Jobs by Isaac Lee & Eric Modzelewski 12:15-12:20 Part 1 Closing […]

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NYU Ideation and Prototyping Session 7: Final Midterm Prep

Announcements Midterm project is due after break Creator presentations: No laptops or phones allowed. Please review class policy on Technology Use in the Classroom in the syllabus. Guest critics for midterm Bibliography polish: spelling, grammar, title/author (yourselves), alphabetize, MLA format. Make sure each citation has an author! Purdue OWL: Annotated Bibliography. See samples and MLA format […]

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NYU Ideation and Prototyping Session 6: Bibliography and Animatic Iteration

Announcements You are now accountable to your collaborator. Next week is the last in-class work session for the Creator project. Creator Student examples (See week 1 in syllabus) Payton Animatic Hybrid Final Jing Animatic Hybrid Final More announcements coming in the 2nd half of class. Agenda Creator Project: Examples, Discussion, Progress Politics: History vs Che Guevara […]

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NYU Ideation and Prototyping Session 05: Storyboarding and Animatics

Announcements You are now accountable to your collaborator. NYU Web Publishing NLP Text as Data Series Digital Humanities Research Institute Nat Geo short film contest NYU Tandon Women in Tech events AT&T Film contest Agenda Module 5: Animatics Going backwards: Star Wars Cantina scene, Cantina animatic Metal/Oprah exercise Break Student examples (See week 1 in […]

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