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Note: sketches are important, but if you plan to make a physical object(s), be sure to start prototyping physical objects.
Final Project requirements are now updated. Note the Bibliography (non-annotated) requirement.
Final Deliverables are now updated.
You must be present and on-time at the final class on May 4.
Final Deliverables are due on your website and Google drive on May 6 @ 10AM.
Slideshow from Alexis Treviso (at2848 @nyu)
Also: eltonkwok@nyu (for checking out equipment)
Tandon Makerspace Tour
Guest Maker: Jie Qi
Class updates
1-on-1 and prototyping time. Note that you have 2 remaining in-class work sessions after today!
Finish your less lo-fi prototype and document it with an image and/or text explanation. Is this a looks-like, feels-like, or works-like prototype?
Read One Designer Shares: How to Use Design to Tell a Story OR Watch/Listen to at least one of the TED: Storytelling Videos and post your response. Please answer and be prepared to discuss next week:
Did this article/video give you new ideas for how you will tell the story (frame/message) of your prototype?
If so, what are the new ideas?
If not, why?
(If applicable) Constant input/output. If you’re merging your prototype into your constant input/output, MARK THIS ON YOUR POSTS.
BRING your prototypes/sketches/project files/materials etc to show and work on in class.