Sense & Scale

A site to explore cultures, cities, and computing at varying senses and scales. Updated by Ar Ducao, with content from classes at NYU, MIT, CUNY and more.

Contact: see syllabi

Announcements Reminder of Final Presentation Requirements: Your presence in class. 10 minutes of presentation. Start with your final object and story (~5 min) Walk us through the ideation, iteration, and prototyping process of the past several weeks (~5 min) A slideshow (e.g. powerpoint, keynote, google slides) is recommended. 5 minutes…


  • Reminder of Final Presentation Requirements:
    • Your presence in class.
    • 10 minutes of presentation.
      • Start with your final object and story (~5 min)
      • Walk us through the ideation, iteration, and prototyping process of the past several weeks (~5 min)
      • A slideshow (e.g. powerpoint, keynote, google slides) is recommended.
    • 5 minutes discussion with guest critics and class.
  • Extra credit (10 points added to your final project grade): Attend a training at any of NYU’s Makerspaces and document it with
    • 3+ photos and
    • 2+ paragraphs.
      Be sure to take a photo and record the name of the training instructor for this assignment to be counted.



  • Get those final requirements in by this Sunday, May 6 at 10AM! Have a great late spring and summer!
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