- Reminder of Final Presentation Requirements:
- Your presence in class.
- 10 minutes of presentation.
- Start with your final object and story (~5 min)
- Walk us through the ideation, iteration, and prototyping process of the past several weeks (~5 min)
- A slideshow (e.g. powerpoint, keynote, google slides) is recommended.
- 5 minutes discussion with guest critics and class.
- Extra credit (10 points added to your final project grade): Attend a training at any of NYU’s Makerspaces and document it with
- 3+ photos and
- 2+ paragraphs.
Be sure to take a photo and record the name of the training instructor for this assignment to be counted.
- First half: Victoria Bill (NYU Makerspace Manager) and Michael Higgins (Lead Organizer, FUREE)
- 11:00-11:10: Intro
- 11:10-11:25: Liu, Jax & Modzelewski, Eric
- 11:25-11:35: Peh, Zhi Jia
- 11:35-11:50: Choi, Sean & Kwong, Joris
- 11:50-12:00: Li, Dan
- 12:00-12:10: Smith, Nathan
- 12:10-12:20: Choe, Christine
- 12:20-12:30: Verghese, David
- Second half: Tina Ye (chef and UX/UI designer, formerly of Trello) and Vernelle Noel (Computational Architect, Penn State)
- 1:00-1:15: Intro
- 1:15-1:25: Yusong, Wang
- 1:25-1:40:Lim, Ray & Quek, Jonathan
- 1:40-1:50: Parada, Nic
- 1:50-2:00: Schlossman, Laura
- 2:00-2:10: Wang, Wentao
- 2:10-2:20: Yeow, Petrina
- 2:20-2:35: Lim, Ying Ying & Swinn, Phoebe
- Get those final requirements in by this Sunday, May 6 at 10AM! Have a great late spring and summer!