- You are now accountable to your collaborator.
- NYU Web Publishing
- NLP Text as Data Series
- Digital Humanities Research Institute
- Nat Geo short film contest
- NYU Tandon Women in Tech events
- AT&T Film contest
- Module 5: Animatics
- Going backwards: Star Wars Cantina scene, Cantina animatic
- Metal/Oprah exercise
- Break
- Student examples (See week 1 in syllabus)
- Moodboard discussion. How does it pave the way for a storyboard?
- Storyboard exercise
- Animatic exercise
Assignments Due Next Friday, March 2
- Post
- Your constant input assignment (if applicable this week)
- Iterate on your Creator Annotated Bibliography.
- Post and reflect on the storyboard and animatic you developed with your classmate collaborator(s).
- Iterations on your moodboard (optional)