Sense & Scale

A site to explore cultures, cities, and computing at varying senses and scales. Updated by Ar Ducao, with content from classes at NYU, MIT, CUNY and more.

Contact: see syllabi

Announcements You are now accountable to your collaborator. NYU Web Publishing NLP Text as Data Series Digital Humanities Research Institute Nat Geo short film contest NYU Tandon Women in Tech events AT&T Film contest Agenda Module 5: Animatics Going backwards: Star Wars Cantina scene, Cantina animatic Metal/Oprah exercise Break Student…



Assignments Due Next Friday, March 2

  • Post
    • Your constant input assignment (if applicable this week)
    • Iterate on your Creator Annotated Bibliography.
    • Post and reflect on the storyboard and animatic you developed with your classmate collaborator(s).
    • Iterations on your moodboard (optional)
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