This resource list is non-comprehensive and ever-evolving. Please feel free to share your resources by emailing me arlduc [at]
- General Topics
- Center for Data Science NLP & Text-As-Data Speaker Series
- NYU Libraries: Data Services Classes
- Tandon Makerspace
- Center for the Humanities Event Calendar
- Tandon Professional Leadership Academy (For NYU Undergrad Seniors)
- NYU Leadership Initiative Mentoring Groups
- NYU Entrepreneurship newsletter
- NYU Urban Initiative
- NYU Alliance for Public Interest Technology
- NYU Production Lab
- Health, Wellness and Safety
- Salient Social Identities
- Institute of African American Affairs and Center for Black Visual Culture
- NYU Global Inclusion and Diversity
- First Generation Students
- NYU “Areas of Scholarly Strength”
Beyond NYU
- Center for Minorities and People with Disabilities in IT
- Engineering Volunteering/Collaboration with East Side Middle School MS14.
- NYPL Tactile Graphics Lab
- ModelViewCulture (Diversity & Tech online magazine, closed in 2016)
- NYC Digital Humanities
- Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility
- Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S)
- Open For Business
- The People’s Forum
- CDC Health Equity
Archived Links
- Open Style Lab Summer Fellowship
- ARL Fellowship for Digital and Inclusive Excellence 2019–2020 Call for Applications—Deadline April 26, 2019.
- Webinar: Gender-Inclusivity Software Engineering
- Brooklyn Library Comics Series
- Recurse Center Localhost Lighting Talks
- ProPublica Diversity Scholarship
- Silicon Harlem meetup
- Out in Tech and Start Out meetups