- Deep Dive Sites:
- Tuskegee Timeline
- Holocaust Museum: The Nuremberg Code
- UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Human Radiation Experiments (focus on Part II. Case Studies)
- The Legacy of Henrietta Lacks
- The Stanford Prison Experiment
- The Belmont Report
- If you plan to explore issues of experimental research and informed consent for your project, note that these HHS.gov videos that explain the background and concepts of the Belmont Report. While they’re both outdated, interestingly, they were first released just a year before Octavia Butler’s Dawn!
- Part 1 – Evolving Concern: Protection for Human Subjects
- Part 3 – The Belmont Report: Basic Ethical Principles and their Application
- Human Subject Regulations Decision Charts
- Protection of Human Subjects (Federal Code)
- The Menlo Report
Chapter 7 of Medical Apartheid by medical ethicist Harriet Washington. This chapter takes a deep dive into the specifics of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. It also discusses some of the roots of the “lazy minority” stereotype.
- Option 1: Read through Bobst or Course Reserves
- Option 2: Listen to Chapter 7.1 and 7.2 (chapter ends halfway through the second recording)
Chapter 8 of Medical Apartheid by medical ethicist Harriet Washington. This chapter takes a deep dive into issues of reproductive control and race.
- Option 1: Read through Bobst or Course Reserves
- Option 2: Listen to Chapter 8.1 (chapter starts @ 35:44) and 8.2(ends around 40 minutes)
Harriet Washington on Democracy Now! (news show):
- COVID vaccine trials, Part I (Part I)
- Part II of the Democracy Now interview on inequities on COVID-related medical topics.
- Why do you think Harriet Washington argues that the Tuskegee Syphilis Study is not an appropriate parallel for the current COVID vaccine trials? What does Kaushik Sunder Rajan mean by the term “shell game?”
- Democracy Now!: Whistleblower Nurse in ICE Jail
- Letter sent to Congress
- Whistleblowers.gov, Whistleblower from Chapter 7 of Medical Apartheid
- Private prison: LaSalle Corrections
- Dr. Mahendra Amin, Nurse Eunice Rivers
- Companion segment to the ICE Whistleblower piece, “Belly of the Beast”: Survivors of Forced Sterilizations in California’s Prisons Fight for Justice. Other segments related to this episode are listed in the Extra Credit opportunities Google doc.
HHS.gov’s 1986 video on the Belmont Report (YouTube)
Medical Bondage: Race, Gender, and the Origins of American Gynecology, by Deirdre Cooper Owens (UGA Press)
- YouTube & Privacy
- Child Safety on YouTube (August 2019)
- Upcoming Changes to kids content on YouTube (November 2019, enacted January 2020 according to Verge.com)
- Additional Videos, from TED
- Oxford moves to protect students from China’s Hong Kong security law (The Guardian)
- Ending the Hyde Amendment Would Help Stanch Healthcare Oppression for Women of Color [Op-Ed] (Colorlines)