Author: arlduc
Announcements Misgendering: What It Is and Why It Matters (Harvard Health Publishing)Additional Gender Trainings and other NYU Zone Trainings Agenda Popcorn making + Peer Review 2 + Course Feedback in AlbertFinal Presentations and Notes Assignment Please follow the D&T Final Reminders to complete your final article by your chosen submission…
Announcements Agenda Assignment – Final Class on Monday!!
Agenda Assignment
Announcements Our next class, on Monday 12/2, will have a number of remote guest speakers, so it will be on Zoom. I’ll post the link in Brightspace by Sunday night. Reminder: you can schedule a Zoom appointment with me for Dec 5 or later. This could be helpful if you’re…
Announcement We don’t have a final exam in this class. I can hold a Zoom open office hour during exam time (Dec 18 at 3:30) if folks are interested? Agenda Assignment Your first draft of the final is due at 2pm on Wednesday.
Announcements Upcoming NYU event: Kenya v Big Tech: Platform Accountability from the Global Majority Agenda Assignment AND A REMINDER: Your first draft of the final is due before class next Wednesday, 11/27. Please work on it this weekend; we will have class time on Monday to work on it as…
Announcements It’s NYU Trans Awareness Week! Chosen Family Law Center: Should I change my gender marker to X? Agenda Assignment (same as last Wednesday) AND A REMINDER: Your first draft of the final is due before class next Wednesday, 11/27. Please see Final Deadlines and Reminders for additional updates.
Agenda Assignments
Announcement Follow-up from Dibner’s Open Innovation Librarian Hebah Emara: Here’s the link to student-curated exhibit project on Golana. Please feel free to contact Hebah if you have further questions or want to see more issues of Golana or Counterweight. Agenda Assignment Looking ahead: The first draft of your final paper is…
Announcements Agenda Assignments