Microaggressions as mosquito bites (Fusion Comedy Video)
Microaggressions Research Papers and More
Good example of a brief, relevant positionality statement in a scholarly article: see this research article by Sue Lockyer, starting at the bottom of page 8.
New items in the “Gender & Sexuality” and “Socioeconomic Status” sections of D&T Reading/Listening/Watching.
Class will be on Zoom this Weds, 12/6, but there’s NO ZOOM next week! Final presentations will be in person only. If you’re sick, stay home, but please notify me AND the Office of Student Advocacy in advance.
- News
- Peer Review, Round 2
- Updates on deadlines, absences and extra credit (added to D&T menu)
- 12/18 @ 11:59pm: Final Article Deadline to receive grade by 12/24
- You can also request comments, which I’ll send by 1/2
- 12/22 @ 11:59pm: Final Article Deadline to receive grade by 1/2
- A final extra credit opportunity: you can make up 1 unexcused absence by completing a probabilistic analysis of gender and race of authors in your bibliography. Please see this post for more information.
UPDATE: I will only count your top 20 Timed Exercises towards your grade, not the top 22 as listed in the syllabus. Thanks Lei for catching this.
- 12/18 @ 11:59pm: Final Article Deadline to receive grade by 12/24
- Prof presentation
- If there’s time: Midterm Live Edit
- Required: Read 2 of your peers’ drafts and leave 7+ comments in each draft.
- Required: Add relevant a news item to D&T News Items 2023.
- Optional: Complete the 12/4 Timed Exercise, due on Wednesday at 2pm. For this exercise, please
- Read Gender and feminist considerations in artificial intelligence from a developing world perspective (Nature), particularly the “Methodology” section
- Choose 1 relationship from class books: Sethe + Paul D, Sonny and his brother, Lilith and Nikanj, Lilith and Joseph, Genly and Estraven