By the Antigua & Barbuda Ministry of Education Planning Unit
As part of the IT Curriculum Enhancement Program (ITCEP)
Update: Project Resources, 2 June
To IT Teacher Workshop participants: Congratulations on your work! Here are share resources for each of your projects, in case you decide to keep iterating… and/or if prototyping resources become available through MoE or other sources!
- Automatic Teacher Assigner (by The Arrays): It might be possible to make a minimum viable prototype using formulas in a shared, collaborative spreadsheet like Google Sheets.
- Training Instructors & Students (by the Atoms): the MoE Planning Unit is connecting with a Trinidad-based organization called Restore a Sense of I Can, which has an e-waste collection and repair program that could be a good partner for your project.
- Commute Antigua (by the Ballers): if you use Microsoft Azure, they have an open source “Fleet Tracking” codebase that includes a web dashboard and an Android app.
- Teachers’ Aid on Wheels (by the Hummingbirds): has several instructions to make mobile charging carts, including a solar-powered cart and a simple plywood cart. Instructables also has student competitions (with prizes) and a dedicated teachers’ section.
Also: I remembered (a bit too late) that Free Python Games for Python 2 was much easier to install than the current version. Here is the repository as I used it in the NYU Prison Ed Program, though be warned that Python 2 was sunsetted in 2020.
AGENDA: Monday, 30 May
9:00-10:00 As participants arrive:
- If you have a laptop, you could try
- Installing Python:
- Alternatively, you can tinker with an online Python compiler. (Thanks to Janine Edwards of ASC):
- Launching Python IDLE (will be installed with Python)
- If you want to tinker with the basics, take a look at the free textbook Think Python 2e. More about this book (including an HTML version) is at here.
- If you want to tinker with games specifically built for teaching, check out Free Python Games. You can read the installation directions in its Github respository.
- If you’re using Windows, you’ll need the Windows command line and you might need to install pip before you can install Free Python Games.
- Installing Python:
- If you have a phone, you can skim the resources above. We will also explore Design Thinking in our workshop:
10:00 Presentation: New IT Tools to Consider
10:30 Break
Please write your name down on your name-tag and sign-in form.
10:45 ITCEP Consultancy Findings & Recommendations
11:15 Ideation Exercise
In groups. Please come up with a fun name for your group.
11:45 Shareback: Themes & Group Names
Over the next 24 hours, please think about the themes that are shared, try to read more on Design Thinking, and consider forming a WhatsApp conversation with your group.
12:30 Lunch, open discussion and tinkering
ITCEP leaders will convene to determine Prototype Challenge Question for Tuesday.
1:30: END
For tomorrow, please bring scissors if you can!
Also bring markers, tape, and/or anything you think might be useful to make cardboard prototype.
AGENDA: Tuesday, 31 May
9:00 Arrival. As your group members arrive:
- Please discuss the strengths you bring to the Prototype Challenge, e.g. crafting, interviewing potential users, building consensus, presenting, etc.
- More sites to peruse while you wait:
- The Python and Design Thinking sites listed in the 9:00 hour of yesterday’s agenda.
- Google Colab. This site is an online version of iPython (aka “Jupyter”) Notebooks, a popular Python tool for data analysis.
- Splash Robo Club, run by Tiffany Azile
- When Keron John arrives: a demo of Free Python Games
9:30 Prototype Challenge Begins! We will explain
- the Challenge Question
- the Deliverables
- the Judging Criteria of desirability (most important), feasibility, and sustainability
10:00 – 12:00 Prototype Challenge! After you ideate and devise your solution, please be sure to
- Find and chat with at least 1 Power User: a person who is excited to use your solution. They must be a real person who isn’t in your group. Be ready to present their story.
- Make a Paper or Cardboard Prototype.
- If you can, show the prototype to your Power User and get their feedback.
- Put their picture (and any other relevant pictures you want to present) in this shared Google Slideshow.
12:00 Presentations, Judging, Awards
Including lunch
During this time, please fill out the Feedback Form. Thanks!
1:30 END
You made it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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