- Group Prototypes are OKAY for Midterm and Final. Partner papers are OKAY for the Final.
- Attendance policy will start on WEDNESDAY.
- NYU Prototyping Fund ($500) Applications Due February 8
- NYU Center for the Humanities Event Calendar
- NYU Center for Data Science NLP & Text-As-Data Speaker Series
- Silicon Harlem meetup
- NYU Student Diversity
- NYU MLK Week Event Calendar
- NYU Stonewall 50th Anniversary Calendar
- NYU “One Zone” Trainings
- Out in Tech and Start Out meetups
NYU Community Screening: Crime + Punishment - A Death of One’s Own: Literature, Law, and the Right to Die
- For Seniors: Tandon Professional Leadership Academy
- ProPublica Diversity Scholarship
- New York City Digital Humanities Week
- Recurse Center Localhost Lighting Talks
- Identity, Diversity, Technology: Your Findings
- Your Technologies, Your Identities
- Intro to Diversity and Medical Technology
- Due Wednesday 2/6:
- If you haven’t already, finish the assignments from last week. Starting on Wednesday, every class session in which your blog is not listed on the class site will lead to a 0.5 point deduction from your midterm grade.
- Blog Post: Pick a piece of pop culture that you think propagates the biases that derived from historical medical discrimination. Post a link (e.g. a YouTube link) on your blog. (Hint: Medical dramas and superhero stories can be a good place to start.) We will have a viewing and discussion party on Wednesday.
- Due Monday 2/11:
- Blog Post. Do some internet searching (or other research) on the intersection of the technology with your partner’s salient identity. Write a blog post on what you find–do you think it’s relevant to your exercise partner? Please cite URLs and other resources that you find.