Diversity & Tech 2023 #3 (13 September)


  • Reminder to please review the entire syllabus for the policies on grading, grading rubrics, weekly workload, and attendance to make sure that this course is right for you. The last day of the Add/Drop period is 9/18.


  • IntroNews Items (25). If you didn’t add a technology-related news item that came to mind during your reading/listening assignment, please add it now!
  • Timed Exercise (25) in Brightspace
  • Discussion (30) of last session’s assigned reading/listening
  • Research Skills


  1. Complete the 9/13 timed exercise on Brightspace by 9/14 at 11:59 PM.
  2. Read/listen, take notes, and be ready for in-class timed exercises & discussions on: 
  3. What current technology issues come to mind from your reading? Please find a news item about a relevant technology issue, and add its URL to the 9/18 tab in D&T News Items 2023.