NYU D&T #11: VPL ?? BK Navy Yard ?️


  • Tech check
  • Seating check
  • Giveaways! 
  • No class next Tuesday 10/12
  • Quick show of hands please:
    • Dibner: archives only? Or stacks + archives?
    • Bobst: Avery Fischer Center? Data Services?
  • Update: Questions on a particular part of your paper? Email me with a bookmark link (don’t @me in a comment)

Interesting sites, orgs and events

Links Relevant to Your Research: all added to Project Resources doc

Sparkles on Samsung One UI 3.1.1

Agenda Hour 1ish

  • Visit from Joe Salvatore, NYU Verbatim Performance Lab
  • A few more quick tips for your paper
    • Methods
    • Findings/Results
Petri Dish on WhatsApp

Agenda Hour 2ish: Brooklyn Navy Yard


Assignment for 10/14: 2400-word Checkpoint