“Made in the Machine” Session 8: BK Navy Yard, article check-ins



  • 3:30-5:00 Brooklyn Navy Yard tour!
  • 5:00-5:10 BREAK
  • 5:10-6:20 Check-ins


  • Prepare your final article based on the criteria from Session 6. Make sure that it reads smoothly in semi-formal, conversational English, and that it has no grammatical errors. Get a friend to proofread it!
  • Be prepared to lead a 20-minute discussion about your paper. You can use in-class books, slides, articles, props, or whatever you think would best serve the discussion.
  • In preparation for next week, please read your fellow students’ articles.
  • Some of your articles have a number of similarities, so you might want to pair up to lead discussions.