NYU “Made in the Machine,” Session 3: New Tech in Fab



  • 3:30-3:40: Announcements
  • 3:40-4:50: Guest speaker Lining Yao, MIT
    • Her paper on bio-printing
  • 4:50-5:00: Break
  • 5:00-6:00: Updates. What new tech in fab inspires you?
  • 6:00-6:20: Prep for next week’s visit to Industry City. 
    • 2:30: Optional stop at LightsUp. 148 39th Street, 2nd Floor, Brooklyn.
    • 3:30: Industry City Offices. 220 36th Street, Brooklyn.
    • 3:40: Makerbot. 148 39th Street.
    • 4:30: Green Fig Bakery to discuss your March 3 presentations. 362 36th Street.
    • Class will probably end before 6.
    • I will send an e-mail with my contact info in case you can’t find the group.

Assignments for Feb 25

  • Readings and viewings, in preparation for our field trip next week:
  • Propose your Phase 1 fabrication project, due March 3. Since you have two weeks, the project can be modest in scope.
    • Requirements:
      • The project should be of your own design.
      • The project should explore the unique capabilities of your fabrication machine.
    • Please outline your project plan (similarly to last week’s “Concept to Reality” exercise)
      • Problem or challenge you are trying to address
      • External factors and constraints
      • R&D: Existing related projects and techniques
      • Your solution and its innovations or novelties
      • Your plan for design and prototyping