3DVE #4 ? Animation ? Scripting ?


  • Please be prepared to discuss what you’ve been up to this week regarding 3DVE.
  • NEW Items in the 3DVE Menu:
    • Recordings
    • Projects + Extra Credit
    • Coming soon: Data Sources
  • New Office Hours link for March-May will be emailed later today.
  • If you heard from me yesterday: please submit ASAP; letter grades are dropping.


  • 3:10
    • Chapter 2.2 and 2.3 of Designing Virtual Worlds. What was most interesting in this reading? Did you come away with questions? Are there passages you disagree with? 
  • 4:50 Break
  • 5:00 Discussion
    • Follow-up on tech topics
    • Follow-ups:
      • Reference image in mindrider.
      • Complex tools and renderers: Not required! Less is more! KISS (Keep it simple, stupid)! Simple tools!
      • Prof D Reel was made all with very simple tools.
    • 3D and non-entertainment options
    • Deformers (if there’s time)
    • Why Data? (if there’s time)


Announcements: Extra Credit