NYU Data Vis 2018.10: AMNH, Finishing Collaborative Vis


  • If you haven’t already, please accept the invitation called “An invitation to join an ArcGIS Online organization, New York University – Data Services” in your mailbox. This will allow you to work in our class’s collaborative StoryMap today.
  • Internship opportunity: The Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO) is currently accepting project proposals for its internship program. METRO will fund interns ($15/hr for 120 hours) for the Spring 2019 semester to work with libraries, archives, museums, or similar organizations or groups on projects that utilize the METRO Studio. We are looking for a range of proposals, such as projects that digitize collections on legacy media, engage and document local communities, or examine new approaches to description and data. For more information: https://metro.org/studio-internship
  • Opportunity for Women in STEM:
    Perricone MD and The Scientista Foundation have partnered to give away four $20,000 fellowships to four amazing women in STEM. The application consists of recording a 3-5 minute video explaining how they embody the qualities of a born seeker -- drive, curiosity, and perseverance regarding their scientific and personal life.  Everyone has a unique story to tell, and we would encourage all female STEM students to apply.  The application can be found at www.bornseekersfellowship.com


  • Guest speaker: Nick Bartzokas, American Museum of Natural History
    • https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/article/nova-evolution-lab-tree-of-life/
    • http://phylogeny.io
    • https://www.onezoom.org
    • http://www.openvisconf.com
  • Collaborative StoryMap: Locative Media as Participatory Archives of Civic Engagement
    • Data
    • Story Map templates
    • Our story map: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/Shortlist/index.html?appid=10638aeb94034a31897e2a47e8d7b689&edit
    • https://arcg.is/1OrnzO

Next Week’s Assignments

  • Progress Post: Please write a short post on any relevant project updates, including new visualizations, discussions in your group, discussions with your community partner, etc.
  • Toolkit Post: Please write a short post about the potential uses for the following tools, which we may use in the next class:
  • Please sign up for a CARTO NYU account:
  • NO CLASS NEXT WEEK (Thanksgiving). See you in two weeks!