NYU Data Vis 2018.05: Phase 1, 3D, Multimer, NYSCI


While you’re waiting for class to begin, please take a look at the links to prepare for class today.


Next Week’s Assignments

  • Blog Post: Self-guided tour of NYSCI. Before October 18, please visit New York Hall of Science (NYSCI) and take your own self-guided tour of NYSCI’s exhibits, “Connected Worlds” and “Mathematica.” Please take notes on BOTH exhibits. NYSCI has free admission on Friday from 2-5pm and Sunday from 10-11am, and is $13 at other times. If you anticipate difficulty in traveling to NYSCI or paying admission, please let me know so I can help make accommodations.
  • Blog Post: Book Thoughts. Start browsing the recommended books listed in the syllabus for this class. Write a short post about 2-3 books that interest you, and explain why.
  • Email me your community partner thoughts. Please let me know:
    • Your top 2-3 choices for community partner (Note that this year, only 1-2 students can work with each community partner, so we partnerships will be arranged on a first come, first serve basis).
    • Questions you have about the process of working with them.
    • Issues that you anticipate encountering in the data visualization process.