NYU Ideation & Prototyping Session 03: Remixes and Groups.



Assignments Due Next Friday, February 16

  • Read Theft! A History of Music
  • Review (if needed) Allergy to Originality and Everything is Remix
  • Post
    • Write a response to the notions of “theft,” “remixing” and “originality” discussed in the three reading and video assignments above. In other words, do not regurgitate. Discuss any epiphanies or insights that occurred while watching, how it reflects your own process (or does not and why) or how it willinform or change your own process (or will not and why).
    • (if applicable this week), your constant input assignment on your process website.
    • Post a few notes on your creator:
      • Start your annotated bibliography: 2 sources.
      • Start your moodboard: Print or draw 5 images on 5 separate pieces of paper.