Data Vis Session 4: Vis Types, Media, Do’s+Don’ts, Planning.

Announcements and Links


  • 6:30-7:15: Updates (including visualization assignments)
  • 7:15-8:00: Chris Willard lecture / Q&A
  • 8:00-8:10: Break
  • 8:10-8:45: Workshop
  • 8:45-9:15: Workshop Results and Updates
  • 9:15-9:20: Final notes and comments


  • Visualization Criteria
    • What is an interesting data source?
    • Who is the audience you want to see this data?
    • What type of representation would serve this audience best (record, summary, process)?
    • What questions does this help answer?
    • What is the best medium for this representation? (poster, model, web page)
    • Sketch your vision for how it will work (harkening back to examples).
    • How will you implement your visualization (incl. finding starting points/examples)?

Next Week’s Assignments

  • Blog Post 1: Finish NYSCI exercise documentation. Please include your Ideation sketches/pictures from the “big data for little kids” exercise, a short bibliography (using MLA citation format) of your scholarly resources, and reflections on the activity.
  • Blog Post 2: Post your results from today to start your midterm preparations. In addition to posting your sketches and preliminary answers to the questions above, please also post your progress on
    • team formation
    • data choice and aquision
    • technical requirements.
      I also encourage you to post another practice visualization if you have time; I will post two tutorials this week on bubble charts and force-directed bubbles.