NYU Data Vis 2018.12: Final Preparations


  1. The Extra Credit Post has been corrected with the right ESRI Map link.
  2. Spring 2019 Research Assistant Posting:  The Artist Archive Initiative at NYU seeks a graduate student Research Assistant for the Spring of 2019. The student will perform research on the artist Joan Jonas to develop information regarding curating and conserving her work. We are looking for a motivated graduate student who is interested in questions surrounding the disposition of contemporary art in museum collections. Experience with archival research, museum work, and the work of artist Joan Jonas is preferred. The student will work independently and hold weekly meetings with project advisors. Terms: late January – May, 85 Hours @ $20/ Hr (schedule to be arranged with successful applicant). Applicants must be enrolled in a humanities graduate program at New York University. Please send brief statement of research interests, curriculum vitae and a writing sample along with any questions to Glenn Wharton <glenn.wharton@nyu.edu> by December 18, 2018.


  • Course Evaluation Time: Search for “DIGITAL MEDIA SPECIAL TOPICS – DATA VISUALIZATION FOR THE COM” in your email to find the URL.
  • Brief Check-in
  • Planning for next week:
    • Any food allergies? I will bring dumplings and other food.
    • Please remind your community partner; I will also send them a calendar invite that includes a hangout link.
    • CSforAll will go first, due to community partner requests.
  • Work Time & 1-on-1s with Prof A
  • Schedule for Next Week:
    • 3:30 – 3:40 Introductions and Dumplings
      3:40 – 4:05: CSforAll, Group 1
      4:05 – 4:30: CSforAll, Group 2
      4:30 – 4:55: MIT CREATE
      4:55 – 5:20: Multimer / Associated Press
      5:20 – 5:45: BrainPOP
      5:45 – 6:00 Extra Credit Projects: NYU Activism 2017; Boston Housing Authority
      6:00 – 6:20: Final Remarks and More Dumplings
  • Some Thoughts to Consider as You Wrap Up

Next Week’s Assignments

  1. Be prepared to give a 10-17 minute final presentation next week in which you summarize and/or show
    • the community partner and your interest in the work
    • research questions that the data is meant to answer
    • iterations of your visualization(s), leading to a demonstration of the final visualization(s)
    • challenges you encountered
    • conclusions and answers to research questions
    • next steps (if this visualization development was to continue)
  2. Finish Project 3, revise the Phase 2 paper, and link to these on your blog. The Project 3 sample grade sheet is here. Note: I will check that these links are online next Thursday during class, but you have until December 17 to continue revising your project. Grades will be submitted on December 18.
  3. To ensure a strong grade, also consider:
    • Checking that you have at least 9 weekly posts for the class (not including your Phase 1, 2, and 3 project posts). To ensure that I count each post properly, considering labeling and numbering the weekly posts very clearly, e.g. “Weekly Post #8: My Interesting Thoughts.”
    • Creating a polished web page for your Phase 3 project–something your community partner could use for their evaluation and presentation of your data visualization. (In the case of CSforALL, 1 page for both projects would probably make more sense.)
    • Consider the Extra Credit Assignments. Please let me know if you do this so I can make sure you’re not doing work that overlaps with the work of other students.