Author: arlduc
In today’s first session, we got situated with basic housekeeping + intros, some background lecture, and some hands-on exercises. I’m very pleased to see a few different departments represented in this class: ITP of course, CUSP (NYU’s Center for Urban Science and Progress), and Journalism. Students represent a wide range of previous…
The Quantified Self About Town Tues, 12:10pm to 3:05pm. 721 Broadway, NYC, Floor 4, Room 15 How can we take advantage of the connected technologies transforming individual data to massively larger scales in time and space? From smartphones to wearables, from social media to quantified self, the aggregation and geo-location of…
Today, workshop participants are asked to talk about what they’d like to do with the insights and skills gleaned from the previous sessions.
New York events: contact Arlene to participate. Feb 3, 12-3pm: Share your projects (via 10-minute videoconference session) with my NYU class to inspire, advise, collaborate. March 28: Big Data Fest at New York Hall of Science. May 30: Ideas City Festival at New Museum NYC. IOT Festival: contact Brian DeLacey to…
[Above, session participants from left to right: Asresh Guttikonda, Anthony Vanky, Tom Maher, Eleanor Pence, David Newsom, Heba Kurdi] Today, we’ll finish up with hardware and talk about what we do with the data we collect. We’ll discuss tools for visualization and analysis, and start to ask, how do we take…
Today’s session is mucho maker. We’ll do one more activity together; we’ll a photoresistor to our circuit. This will give you each enough basic skills to bust out independently. We’ll try this by each choosing a different sensor from the list below, and using online resources to connect that sensor to…
For our first session, we’ll get started by setting the stage for our hands-on activities. We’ll talk about context, our experiences and biases, our questions, the issues we see in our respective fields, and our goals. Then we’ll start making stuff. Hello and intros. Overview of modules that we will…
MIT IAP Workshop: Physical Computing in Urban Studies. See class posts here. January 20-23, 12-3pm Limited to 16 participants Attendance: Participants must attend all sessions How can urban planners take advantage of the connected technologies that are starting to transform individual data to massively larger scales in time and space?…