Author: arlduc
Final Deadlines: Please pick one! Draft Deadlines Please have your Google Doc updated on each draft deadline, because your classmates will need your draft for the peer review assignments. Sample Final Articles Extra Credit For extra points on your final article For extra points on your final grade: audit your…
Announcements Agenda Assignment On Wednesday we will start discussing the Final assignment, have an icebreaking-like activity, and host Dibner’s Research Librarian for a presentation/discussion on literary and sci-fi magazines at NYU Tandon (formerly Brooklyn Polytechnic).
Agenda Assignment for Monday 11/4 (class will be on Zoom) Assignment for Wednesday 11/6 (in-person, with possible field trip to Dibner)
Agenda Assignment
Agenda Assignment
Announcements Agenda Assignment For next week, if you finish your midterm early:
Announcements 0.1 point of extra credit for folks who arrive on time Agenda Assignment For Monday
Agenda Assignment
Announcement Agenda Assignment For TUESDAY: FOR WEDNESDAY: