Data Vis Session 11: Interaction/Geo/Vis, Tangible Visualization, Fab, Play!


  • Kevin Miklasz sent a few more R notes.
  • Final Requirements are now posted. Let me know if you have questions. Dec 3’s class will have a lot of work/feedback time in preparation for Dec 10.
  • If you want to follow-along with today’s Arduino/Processing visualization tutorial, install the software listed on the tutorial page.


  • 6:30-7:20 Richard The
  • 7:20-8:10 Peiqi Su
  • 8:10-8:20 Break. Start Playing with Prototypes.
  • 8:20-8:50 Prototype playtime.
  • 8:50-9:20 Class updates


Assignment for Next Week

  1. Due Monday: Send me a SHORT (2-sentence) e-mail about your final plans. I will respond with some quick thoughts on Monday as well.
  2. Due Dec 3: Start your final project preparations and post your progress.