We don’t have a final exam in this class. I can hold a Zoom open office hour during exam time (Dec 18 at 3:30) if folks are interested?
- News (20)
- Final Timed Exercise! (25)
- Note: we only had 18 timed exercises this semester, so I’ll factor your best 16 in your grade.
- Discussion: last slides from Chenxi
- Any last questions, comments, suggestions or concerns on the literary works?
- Prep for final
- Some useful resources
- Routledge Companion to Media and Class in D&T Reading, Watching, Listening list. Useful for a focus on media.
- Good example of a brief, relevant positionality statement in a scholarly article: see this research article by Sue Lockyer, starting at the bottom of page 8.
- Live-edit: paper from last year
- Groups for peer review
- Writing time; optional 1-on-1s; audiobook & movies; spambreaker notes
- Reminder to cite any use of generative AI.
- Some useful resources
Your first draft of the final is due at 2pm on Wednesday.