Sense & Scale

A site to explore cultures, cities, and computing at varying senses and scales. Updated by Ar Ducao, with content from classes at NYU, MIT, CUNY and more.

Contact: see syllabi

Announcements Agenda Timed Exercise (25 minutes) Discussion (40 minutes) Planning for the 2250-word Midterm, due October 25 at 11:59pm. If you would like written feedback, please submit your midterm paper by October 19 at 11:59pm.  Exercise: Planning/Synthesis Clouds. Prof’s example cloud is here. Start mapping out the midterm you want to write. Next…



Timed Exercise (25 minutes)

Discussion (40 minutes)

Planning for the 2250-word Midterm, due October 25 at 11:59pm. 
If you would like written feedback, please submit your midterm paper by October 19 at 11:59pm. 

  1. Requirements
    • Requirement: Focus on one of the topic areas and its required fiction/essays
      • The data-driven texts aren’t required for the midterm.
      • If you choose Beloved, please read more of the book.
      • If you pick Dawn or The Left Hand of Darkness, you’ll need to read ahead!
    • Requirement: Two or more of the additional assigned reading/watching/listening
    • Requirement: Use of a critical theory(s) to guide your research (see #4, “Recommended Method,” below)
    • Requirement: Discuss one or more identities protected by NYC Human Rights Law
    • Requirement: Discuss one or more disruptive technologies in the context of the major Industrial Revolutions.
      • Don’t pick something that doesn’t involve hard science (e.g. the ghost of Beloved; silence between Sonny and his brother). This includes tech in the sci-fi novels we’ll read. Don’t make this harder than it has to be!
      • If you pick something very like “music” or “the city,” focus on a specific technological topic like “a piano” or “a subway car.” Don’t focus on a genre like “jazz.”
      • If you discuss multiple fiction authors (e.g. Morrison and Baldwin), pick a tech category that is present in both eras (e.g. wrought iron, cotton loom, etc.)
    • Requirement: Discuss your positionality (NYU login required; see also APA Inclusive Language Guidelines)
  2. Timed Exercises: you can use previous exercise writing to start your draft.
  3. Positionality: building on your background, engineering major & interests 
  4. Recommended Method: Critical Literary Theory

Exercise: Planning/Synthesis Clouds. Prof’s example cloud is here. Start mapping out the midterm you want to write.

Next week: We will discuss templates and the Midterm Grade Sheet.


DIAGRAM: Create a Synthesis/Planning diagram and upload it to this folder. You will need these for Monday’s timed exercise, at which point I’ll check that you’ve uploaded your diagram. I’ll only check for completion, not quality or comprehensiveness. You can use Prof’s version as a template.

READ/LISTEN/WATCH, take notes, and be ready for in-class timed exercises & discussions on: 

NEWS: Add a News Item to the 10/7 tab.

Optional but Recommended

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