Diversity & Tech 2024 #5 (18 September)


  • Please log into Brighspace now and note the availability of all Timed Exercise extensions. All students must be caught up by this Sunday. No more extensions without an accommodation via Student Advocacy, the Moses Center, or the office of Spiritual Life.
    • I’m grading exercises as they come in, but will refrain from publishing grades until everyone is caught up.



  1. Read/listen, take notes, and be ready for in-class timed exercises & discussions on: 
    • The epigraph and Introduction of Medical Apartheid by Harriet A. Washington, available in ePub and audio. Note that this book was written in 2006; much of its information is (sadly) still correct; but some of its terminology is no longer in keeping with the MLA and APA guidelines on inclusive language.
    • “Sonny’s Blues” by James Baldwin, available in epub and audiobook (NYU login required).
      • With the audio: start in Part 3 at 35:38 and end at Part 4 at 55:37.
  2. What current technology issues come to mind from your reading? Please find a news item about a relevant technology issue, and add its URL to the 9/18 tab in D&T News Items 2024.