For your reference, Monday’s midterm planning agenda has been added to the “Diversity” menu.
- News (20)
- Timed Exercise (30)
- Upcoming exercises will have 1 question on the reading, and 1 question to help you with progress on preparing the midterm.
- The midterm-related question won’t be that intense so as to give you more thinking time…
- And there won’t be a bonus question.
- Templates & Rubrics (30)
- Templates. I’ll demo in this template, but I set up a doc for each of you — please use it!
- Midterm Grade Sheet
- Cultural Competence checklist – see “D&T Project Resources” in the Diversity menu.
- Discussion (30)
Read/listen/watch, take notes, and be ready for in-class timed exercises & discussions on:
- The first five chapters of Sister Outsider by Audre Lorde: “Notes from a Trip to Russia,” “Poetry is Not a Luxury,” “The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action,” “Scratching the Surface,” and “Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power.”
- Who Killed Vincent Chin? (film, NYU login required)
Please also create a first draft “Works Cited” in the Google Doc for your paper. Make sure it addresses the items under the “Works Cited” section in the Midterm Grade Sheet.
And: which current technology issues come to mind from your reading? Please find a news item about a relevant technology to the newest tab in D&T News Items 2023.
Our next class is on TUESDAY, not Monday.
Happy Indigenous Peoples Day!